Blepharoplasty is one of the most common cosmetic procedures for both sexes, in Greece and abroad. This surgery improves the form and shape of the eyelids. Improvements and corrections are made to both the upper and lower eyelids and focusing on bags and loosening of the eyelid skin.

At the age of 40-50, in both men and women, the skin of the eyelids begins to lose its vitality and elasticity, resulting in sagging and wrinkles on both eyelids. Following the drooping of the eyebrows, over time the eyes look more tired and sad giving our overall image a lack of vitality, health, and radiance.

What we achieve with blepharoplasty is to give our eyes a more lively, youthful, and radiant appearance.

Combined with eyebrow lifting, either with botox or surgically, the results are impressive.

The Procedure:

Blepharoplasty requires local anesthesia and the insertion of the local anesthetic into the skin of the eyelids.

For the upper eyelid, the excess skin as well as some muscle and fat is removed and the wound is closed with a continuous suture that is removed in 4-5 days.

For the lower eyelid, the incision is made 1-2 mm below the free edge of the eyelid and then the necessary amount of fat and skin is removed. Sometimes we do not remove the fat but redistribute it under the sphincter muscle of the eyelid. As for the upper eyelid, the suture is removed in 4-5 days.

The patient does not need to be hospitalized and goes home the same day. He/she can start his/her social activities in 1 week. Wearing make-up and contact lenses is not allowed for about 1 week after the surgery.

The scars are invisible but for about 10 days some small swelling or bruising can be visible which is easily hidden by wearing foundation or a pair of sunglasses.