The buttock-thigh lift corrects the sagging skin of the thigh or buttock, which is a result of a significant body weight loss.
Sagging skin in these areas can be related to both age and heredity.
In case of slight laxity of the medial surface of the thigh, the incision is made in the femoral fold, at the border between the thigh and pubis. In extensive laxity of the skin, the incision is extended along the medial surface of the thigh to the knees.
Buttock lift can be done either by transferring fat to the buttock after liposuction in the abdominal area, or by using silicone implants or a combination of both techniques, depending on the sagging level.
In extensive sagging of the buttock, skin removal is also required. The incisions are made in places that can be covered by underwear or swimwear in the summer.